6 Mobile Games to Play This Winter

광고 Winter has finally set in and it’s pretty cold out there. Do you find it harder to roll out of your bed on these bleak days? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us feel that way. It’s the time of the year when sluggishness and slack sets in making us want to do nothing and go to bed wrapping ourselves in a blanket. As the temperature drops, the days become shorter, the urge to eat more and binge-watch Tv, sets in thus making us less active. While it’s tempting to lounge around the house, gorging on your favorite hot snack when it’s cold, it could also cause serious damage to our health. Wouldn’t it be better if we could use the time to engage ourselves in doing something meaningful, something that’s rewarding as well ufabet?

Many of us aren’t fortunate enough to have a break and go out for a trip to beat these dark days. We are out to help you. So grab yourself a mug of hot coffee, learn about these hot games that are creating a buzz in the mobile gaming industry. We bet once you learn about these awesome mobile games, you might want to throw your blanket you’ve wrapped around you and reach out to your mobile phones.

Popular mobile games to play this winter

1. Clash of clans

Clash of Clans is one of the most popular mobile games in the mobile gaming history. No game has achieved the status of popularity as much as the clash of clans. The game is so popular such that it has sparked several spin-offs. The premise of the game is very simple enough, you get to build a kingdom, defend your kingdom against opponents, and loot your opponents to add to your wealth. In the process, you get to form your own clans and compete in some epic clan battles.

The massive success of clash of clans proves that strategy based mobile games always have an audience that is growing. If the content is gripping your game will always find takers. In these dark and hazy days, the clash of clans could be the right kind of fodder to stimulate your brain cells. You can download the game for free and make in-app purchases to complete your task quickly.

2. Age of Empires: Castle siege

Age of Empires: Castle Siege is similar to Clash of Clans. It’s the game where you’ll get to choose your civilization like Britons, Teutons, and Kievan, build your keep and garrison your troops to defend your civilization from marauders. The game mechanics are mostly similar to Clash of clans. Originally developed on the Windows platform, the Android version of the game was launched this year and has immediately found flavor with the gamers.

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