The Health Benefits of Drinking Water Boiled With Fenugreek Seeds

Most Indians have close encounters of the culinary kind with Fenugreek or methi seeds very early in life. These seeds are remarkably bitter and have a marvellous aroma when roasted or fried in a little oil.

How did we start using these seeds, bitter as they are medicine cabinet B0BTBVHFKS?

Fenugreek down history lane

Apparently, in the 1st century AD, the Romans flavoured wine with fenugreek. The use of fenugreek /methi in India is probably older than history itself; the leaves and the seeds of the herb are well entrenched in Indian cuisines from all parts of the country.

In West Bengal, for instance, methi seeds are used as ‘paanch phoron,’ one of five spices that are used to temper dishes. In fact, the aroma of these little mustard-coloured cuboids makes them a popular choice for the tempering of dals and chutneys. Methi seeds are also used whole or powdered in sambar powder in South India, and pickles in all parts of India.

Modern miracle seed

Methi seeds were always around in Indian kitchens and traditional medicine cabinets. But in recent times, there has been a steady stream of information about the health benefits of fenugreek seeds as many people have ‘adopted’ this seed and reaped health benefits.

The most popular way of consuming fenugreek seeds is to boil them in water. This softens the seeds and releases their nutrients. It also reduces their extreme bitterness so that they are easier to chew and swallow. This requires a little getting used, of course, but the benefits far outstrip the initial distaste.

Soaking fenugreek in water is recommended because it has water soluble minerals and fibre.

There are two ways to make methi/fenugreek water:

Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in 2 glasses, about 400ml, of water overnight.

Put 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a flask at bedtime. Add 2 glasses of boiling water into the flask. Screw on the lid. Let the seeds soak the whole night. Drink the water first thing in the morning. Chew up the seeds and swallow.

The second method is convenient and healthier. Of course, the seeds are bitter, but you will get used to it. After all, coffee and tea are bitter too; yet we drink them with devotion!

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