Here’s How To Know If Your Tattoo Artist Is Using The Best Tattoo Ink


Look around you, and without fail, you’re a likely to see at least one person with a visible tattoo. No matter the size or location of that tattoo, though, the one thing you’re probably not wondering about is whether the person was insistent on the artist using the best ink. Then again, why would anyone think that a tattoo artist, or any artist for that matter, would ever use materials that were not “up to snuff” and of the best quality? While it may pain you to hear this, unfortunately, there are tattoo studios out there who aren’t too particular about this seoul tattoo.

Now, it’s incredibly important to point out that this is not a rampant issue in the industry. But considering the invasive nature of tattooing, any percentage of artists not using great ink means you’ve potentially got subpar materials under your skin. This is a problem. No, this is actually unacceptable, and it needs to stop. But when you talk to people about their tattoos, how often do they talk about the quality of the ink? Until this becomes a regular part of the tattooing process, there will always be a risk of dealing with not-so-great ink in our bodies.

So, maybe you actually have tattoos & are in the market for your next piece of custom ink, or maybe you’re about to get your first tattoo. Chances are you haven’t thought about the ink to be used, so this goes out to you: start getting informed.

Here is a quick guide to help you know if your artist is using the best tattoo ink:

Do Research on the Artist & Studio ⏤ Check online reviews, testimonials, and see what exists in terms of Better Business Bureau ratings. Also, see what public information is available on these businesses from the city. Finally, go in & see what the place looks like and how it operates first-hand.

Ask Your Artist What She/He Uses ⏤ Talk shop with a prospective artist & ask what they ink they use & why. If you can’t get a straight answer, walk. There are too many great studios & artists out there who are willing to give you the information you want.

Research Different In

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