How To Get Football Accumulator Winners Explained

One method is to place all the short priced bankers in an accumulator bet and pray that they all win providing a winning bet but with obvious less danger ufabet.

The second way to go about accumulator betting is to choose teams playing at their home ground that are expected to win, but are not at really tiny odds such as 1/4, 1/3 or even 1/2. This method indicates you can choose four teams around the evens price in the bookmakers odds and your accumulator would pay out around the 8/1 level. This would produce a return of 90 for a 10 bet outlay if winning.

This is a reasonable tip on accumulator betting because it balances the danger aspect between supporting a lot of short odds favourites for a little reward, and backing bigger odds teams with a much higher risk factor.

One big thing to look out for when gambling on accumulators is when the short priced favourite is the away team. To the novice punter a team such as Chelsea or Manchester city playing away to a team like Norwich, Sunderland or Stoke looks excellent value at odds around 10/11, but playing away from home is always challenging and these teams do not always win. These teams are often best avoided when gambling on an accumulator and this is one of the best tips we can provide.

For the more risky accumulator punter, gambling on drawn games is a high risk strategy to grab an amazing pay-out if you get your selections right. If you get four matches correct you could expect a pay-out from your bookie of up to 100/1 that indicates a 1 bet could win 100! This kind of accumulator betting is hardly ever used though because it is such a difficult dilemma trying to decide which games will end up being a draw, however as you can see; the potential pay-outs are incredible.

If we were to provide you some strong accumulator gambling guidance, it would be to keep primarily to teams playing at home and look for odds of 4/6 and above, this means all your choices add actual value to the bet and it is probably simpler, and easier to pick one 4/6 choice that will win than three 1/3 selections where one upset could easily blow your accumulator.


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