Get a Remedial Massage by a Professional Physiotherapist

Remedial massage therapy is a hands on treatment to a soft tissue restoring function, decreasing muscle tension, relieving pain, and/or spasm to improve athletic or physical performance and promote healing. Say goodbye to long term body pain and say hello to the stress free New Year by physiotherapy treatment with Remedial massage or pregnancy massage in Perth 출장마사지.

Common complaints treated with massage

Shin splints
Over-use injuries
Sprains, strains and tears
Tennis and golfers elbow
Back pain & sciatica
Sore shoulder and neck
Frozen shoulder
Headaches & migraines
Physiotherapy Session Massage Complement

Massage therapy is an effective complement; it works synergistically with your physiotherapy care. In addition to relieving the stress on the nervous system, it is important to treat the soft tissues such as the tendons and muscles. By working together, massage and physiotherapy, it provides you with a more complete and effective health care system.

When utilized together, physiotherapy and massage facilitate, by keeping the body in proper alignment, it stimulate the body’s natural healing process, which ensures a free flow of nerve impulses and circulation in the lymphatic systems and blood.

Many of the problems that cause pain in the musculo-skeletal system are caused from a combination of stress on nerves, joints and muscles. Therefore, it is important to correct the misalignments through postural changes combined with stretching & strengthening.

What are the Benefits of Massage Therapy?

Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. Not only your muscles, but specific techniques can also act on the fascia, ligaments and tendons.

It has therapeutic effects that include stimulation of circulation, moving lymph fluid and reducing swelling to injury.

The Perth physiotherapy will also involve the lengthening of tight tissues and muscle, normalizing them into a resting state. By having regular remedial massage in Perth, it comfort from muscle soreness will be reduced. And, it reduces the healing times by increasing local blood flow, and muscular spasms.

What You Will Experience After Getting a Massage?

Puts you in the recovery mode and triggers lasting feelings of relaxation.

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