Drinkupny at The 2012 Indy Spirits Expo

광고 On Tuesday, May 15th, DrinkUpNY excitedly made the trek from our Brooklyn store to the 2012 Indy Spirits Expo, an annual event which highlights some of the great boutique spirits on the market. This year’s expo took place at the Flatiron District’s Crimson Nightclub – an elegant, multi-level venue located on the corner of Broadway and 21st Street. The space was surprisingly large compared to anything typically found in NYC, and was comfortably crowded with enthusiastic producers, eagerly pouring their spirits for thirsty patrons K-EXPO 2024.

We met up with Dave Schmier, the organizer of the Indy Spirits Expo, to find out what inspired him to create such an event:

“As an Indy Spirits producer myself, I’ve experienced the hardship of taking your vision to a marketplace dominated by 800 pound gorillas on both the supplier and wholesaler sides of the business. The Indy Spirits Expo started as a way to get through the clutter and reach consumers and members of the trade directly. The event is purposely a low budget, grass roots affair designed to be affordable to even the smallest micro distillers, importers and brand owners.

I enjoy getting people together to taste great spirits and to see my fellow Indy Spirits producers share their ideas with the consumers, as well as each other. This year, it was great to see brands that are striving for recognition alongside brands like Tito’s Vodka who have already achieved a great level of success.”

We did our best to visit as many booths as possible, but unfortunately were not able to see everyone… which is not really a surprise when the guest list featured over fifty excellent producers:

80 Strong Bourbon, American Gin Company, Antica Sambuca, Avellino Spirits, Balls Vodka, Bimber Vodka, Breckenridge Distillery, Brinley Gold Rum, Breuckelen Distilling, Catoctin Creek Distilling Company, Caledonia Spirits, Catskill Distilling Company, Cockspur Rum, Cornstar Whiskey, Corsair Artisan Distillery, Craft Distillers, Darnley’s View Gin, Death’s Door Spirits, Depaz Rhum, Dragon Bleu Vodka, Dutch’s Spirits, FEW Spirits, Fidencio Mezcal, Harvest Spirits, Iceberg Vodka, Jewel of Russia Vodka, Karlsson’s Vodka, Koval Distillery, Luna Nueva Tequila, Macchu Pisco, Montanya Distillers, Orange V Vodka, Peach Street Distillers, Philadelphia Distilling, Prohibition Distillery, Pur Spirits, Q Tonic, Redemption Whiskey, Regatta Ginger Beer, Riverboat Rye, Scorpion Mezcal, Spicebox Whiskey, St. George Spirits, St. Lucia Distillers, Temptation Bourbon, Tito’s Vodka, Tuthilltown Spirits, Vermont Spirits, Viaguara Vodka, Wahaka Mezcal, Warwick Valley, Wemyss Malts & ZU Vodka.

Our first stop was Colorado’s Breckenridge Distillery, who cleverly set up their booth within feet of the check-in table. They were pouring their vodka and bourbon, but what really caught our eye was Breckenridge Bitters, a product not yet available for sale in New York. Created from a blend of carefully selected spices, herbs and roots, this bittersweet aperitif is delicious on its own, but will certainly make an impression when mixed.

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