Early Predictions for MVP at NBA to use the PPH

광고 At sports, even before the Seasons begin fans are already thinking about their bets and who will win. For these people, sports betting services start setting lines depending of the event.

The newest at sportsbooks is about the future MVP winner of this 2013-2014 Season at NBA. Many rankings are on the web, a big amount of fans already set their bets and some others are waiting to see what will happen during the season ufabet.

The early predictions that you can find at sports betting services are done based on the enhancing of development that players have had. Depending of the pph sportsbook that you choose the factors to take on count to set an early line can change.

Until now the rankings are:

1° LeBron James / Stats: 26.8 ppg, 8.0 rpg, 7.3 apg

2° Kevin Durant / Stats: 28.1 ppg, 7.9 rpg, 4.6 apg

3° Carmelo Anthony / 28.7 ppg, 6.9 rpg

4° Chris Paul / 16.8 ppg, 9.7 apg, 2.4 spg

5° Tony Parker / 20.4 ppg, 7.6 apg, 52.4 FG%

6° Kobe Bryant / 27.3 ppg, 6.0 apg, 5.6 rpg

7° James Harden / 25.9 ppg, 5.9 apg, 4.8 rpg

8° Stephen Curry / 23.0 ppg, 6.9 apg, 45.5 3PT%

9° Tim Duncan / 17.8 ppg, 9.9 rpg, 2.7 bpg

10° Russell Westbrook / 23.4 ppg, 7.5 apg, 5.3 rpg

However, to do an early prediction could have its pitfalls, rankings at sports betting services can change, the development of a player can change because of an injury, or something related. Nothing is for sure even more if you think about it missing a lot of time for the end of the Season.

As I said at the beginning, there a many different rankings in the web, some sites are integrating players in their list as Derrick Rose at 4° place, Kyrie Irving as 8°, Paul George as 10° and Dwight Howard as 11°.

In my opinion, Tim Duncan should have a second opportunity follow by Chrs Paul and Tony Parker; of course LeBron is also in my list, and Kevin Durant. For me, these players deserve to win the MVP of NBA this year, I would be happy with the win of any of them.

Sports Betting Services have many amazing options for all of us who loves to bet during these events. I will bet for my favorite players, what about you?


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