Make Your Best Horse Racing Bet by Following The Tips

광고 When it comes to horserace betting it is quite astonishing that even though most of the times about 30 to 40% of the favorites win, yet the bookmakers earn higher returns than what the punters could. Their income is by no means decided by the results of the race. Many of the punters have the dream of playing like a bookie. With a few tips, this dream can actually come true. There are several punters across the globe that has been placing bets on sport tournaments. Yet, they have no clear idea about what they are dealing with. The intricacies of horserace betting are still unknown to them

Tips to Play like a Bookie

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It is really very essential for you to go through the racing form. Previously these forms were available only in newsstands and tracks. Today one would get them online as well. While you are choosing which horse to bet on, you must take into consideration the qualities of its jockey and the trainer. You can also check out the performances of individual horses in the last few races. Yet the results of past races wouldn’t help you much in your prediction. Picking up on jockey and trainer percentages would be easier and quicker at the same time. This would help you streamline the list of probable choices for bets.
Analyze the recent forms. To figure out how the horse is going to perform in the next race, you wouldn’t need to look beyond the recent races. All you need to take into consideration is the results of the last three races. Check out the speed figures and the finishing rank. If you check out the racing form you will find the speed figures listed there. Now, you will have a clear idea of how a horse performed in the last races against the type of field it was running on.
Consider the race figures from at least three of the last races. When you judge these figures against the rest of the field, you will be able to get a good grip on the possible outcomes and make a better prediction.
Scrutinize the situations to their depths. Do not make a superficial research. Figure out which horse suits what kind of racecourse. Some of them run fast on grassy tracks while others are good in dusty field. Moreover, different horses perform differently since some of them are bred to run at high speed, while others are bred for stamina.
Make sure that your vision is not restricted within the obvious. Look beyond and make a search for values. The more correct evaluation of values you make, the better will be your betting outcomes. Keep on betting on the favorites consistently and keep on winning. It is obvious that you won’t win every time, but make sure that you do not lose every time either. If you try and incorporate some exotic in your bet, that would prove great. However, it is a completely different angle and needs detailed discussion.

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