Treat Your Frozen Shoulder Pain Holistically Through Massage

. Most of those affected are between 40 and 65. It has also been recognized that cases are more prevalent in women than men 출장마사지.

The causes of this condition vary case by case. Some of the main causes are diabetes, poor posture, overuse of muscles such as athletes, recent shoulder injuries, those recovering from reconstructive surgeries, and those who have had family members with the condition. Unfortunately, the symptoms of the condition can last from months to years depending on the treatment received. One of the best and most holistic treatments available is massage.

The first symptoms of frozen shoulder are pain and the inability to perform simple tasks like reaching or lifting. The condition itself causes inflammation, pain, stiffness, and a limited range of motion that is often disabling. It is often triggered by minor injury or improper movement, but the onset itself can be gradual. The primary form of treatment is often through bodywork such as massage.

If you have been diagnosed with frozen shoulder, finding a therapist who can help you in your area is crucial. Massage is a great form of treatment because modalities such as trigger point therapy can pinpoint the exact muscles that are being affected. This mixed with some deep tissue massage can help reduce your symptoms quickly. However, it is often recommended that you schedule a series of treatments for optimum results.

Within a few sessions, you will begin feeling relief from the symptoms. For the best results, some aftercare and at home work are required. You should complete a regular stretching regimen, which a trained therapist should be able to explain to you. Regular use of heat application can help speed up the treatment and offer you additional relief.

Though you may feel positive results after one treatment, it is recommended that you complete the therapy regimen created by your therapist or doctor. Since this condition can be debilitating, the recurrence of its symptoms is not something you want to experience. Also, symptoms can seem gone but quickly return during increased movement, cold weather, or later traumas. The best way to avoid having repeat issues from the condition is to complete all treatments.

The benefits of therapeutic massage are best shown when techniques are applied in moderation. The focus is to break down adhesions or stiffness in the shoulder joint. They will also help increase the circulation or blood, oxygen, and synovial fluid to the joint. The end results of the massage will be to release the locked muscles and facilitate proper movement.

Once you have completed the treatment sessions designed by your therapist, you should regain normal motion of your joint. You should no longer feel regular pain and should be back to completing your regular activities. It is uncommon for frozen shoulder to return after it is fully treated and healed. However, a small amount of those who are affected by the condition will have it develop on the opposite side within five years of therapy.

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