Wisdom Tooth Removal Surgery i What Nobody Tells You

광고 Wisdom tooth extraction surgery, tongued as third molar removal, is very common and it is done as a result of the issues of eruption or impaction of the impacted wisdom teeth. Generally speaking, these wisdom teeth are the last molars, which usually erupt in the late ages of teenage or early adulthood. Specifically, they are located at the rear side of the mouth and lack of space nearby often causes different problems that affect the healthy condition of the jaw. This article seeks to offer patients a basic idea covering wisdom tooth removal surgery, including the procedure, healing process, and complications that can be avoided Fitness Reserve.

Anatomy of Wisdom Teeth:

The third and last molars, known as wisdom teeth, typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. However, not everyone develops wisdom teeth, and those who do may encounter various problems such as inadequate space in the mouth due to a crowded jaw or poor alignment. Additionally, wisdom teeth can cause issues if they lack the space to fully emerge through the gum line, resulting in impaction. This can lead to pain, infection, and damage to teeth close to it.

Indications for Wisdom Tooth Removal:

Wisdom tooth removal surgery may be recommended by a dentist or oral surgeon for the following reasons:

Impaction: Impaction occurs when a wisdom tooth fails to completely emerge from the gum tissue or is trapped and a variety of issues may develop related to pain, swelling, and infections.
Crowding: The question may arise whether wisdom teeth exacerbate an already crowded mouth, and whether this eventually leads to incorrect placement of other teeth or needs orthodontic intervention.
Decay or Infection: The position of wisdom teeth tends very often to be bad for the oral hygiene of that area because it is difficult to clean unless you can use special instruments and those pockets between the teeth are a soil for infections, that can develop into gum disease and position the losing of teeth, when untreated.
Cyst Formation: In certain instances, cysts in which liquid leaks can form around the wisdom tooth creating damage to the bones and the tissues.
Preoperative Evaluation:

A thorough dental examination, including X-rays, will be performed in order to check the position, size, and orientation of the wisdom teeth before they are going to be removed surgically. The dentist or oral surgeon, in addition to this, will review the medical history of the patient. All existing medical conditions, allergies, or medications should be reported by the patient.


The surgery on the removal of wisdom teeth is usually performed using a local anesthetic, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia depending on the complexity of the case and the patient’s preference.

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